What’s your truth?

Paving the way for equality – what’s needed now?

Co-Active Coach & feminine leadership expert, Karen Heras-Kelly

The voice of the feminine is crucial to innovation, wellbeing, communication and the bottom line. She invites us to create a space where we can open up to all our senses, going deeper into the place where creativity and deep wisdom co-exist.

While there have been significant strides forward in the structures and laws needed to support progression, women are struggling internally with stress levels being at a record high. This has resulted in an emerging trend of women leaving businesses, which is detrimental to growth. Continual firefighting, aggression, imposter syndrome, burn-out and wider health related issues are signs that supportive change is required.

Most systems were not built for women or designed to support the flow of the feminine. Although there is a definite movement of change, it’s important to stay focused. Unless we learn how to truly nurture people and adopt a softer feminine approach, businesses will find their offices empty of those women with the life experiences and wisdom to truly impact sustainable change. Not only that, their experiences are not passed down the line.

Step two in my series is this: Start open conversations that explain your experiences and develop ways to continually inspire change

The arc may be long, yet we still need to stay focused, awake and purposeful in how we nurture and empower. As a leader reading this blog, what do you need to acknowledge today?

  • What are you noticing, experiencing? 

  • What would you like to experience more of/less of?

  • What is the next step for you?

Remember change can be wholehearted, positive and joyful. Start with your own truth and start building a new dialogue, and narrative. If in doubt, seek others out and start creating new pathways.

This blog is part of my new “Feminine Trailblazers” series. My work is committed to nurturing a feminine form of leadership and wellbeing in today’s world, one that makes a wholehearted difference to people, planet and profit.


Creating a shared vision & legacy


Paving the way for equality