Here is my third installment of my ‘Feminine Trailblazing series,’ designed to empower those who choose to live and lead wholeheartedly. This episode talks about creating a shared vision and legacy.

By delving deeper into the psyche of the feminine and what she needs now, it’s important to understand the changing climate and how it impacts us all. The world is evolving through a time of unprecedented challenges brought on by our need to change and safeguard our future, and planet.

Taking 27 years of experience and sharing my wisdom with you:

I’ve been working in the feminine domain for a long time. My work as a Beauty Brand Communicator with GHD & St. Tropez enabled me to understand the needs and drive of women. My time in corporate also taught me about the power and importance of giving back, and being responsible for my impact.

In 2012 I became a Co-Active Coach. Three years later, I created my first online feminine empowerment programme for women, looking back at that time, I see I was lighting a trail for women to take the spotlight in ways that mattered most to them. This created a positive impact on our world and sparked more empathy and connection. It was and still is about linking to feeling more joy, taking a stand, creating from love by loving who you are, what you do and making a difference.

Creating connections and a new blend of feminine leadership in 2015.

Eight years later the landscape is different, as am I. My experiences as a Mother have deepened my connection to the feminine and I feel more called than ever to empower women and the voice of the feminine. I feel concern over my daughter’s future – what needs to be passed down to her and how can we safeguard our children, and our planet? We have already lost so much of our planet and listening to David Attenborough, I realise that the time is now. We actually have no time to waste.

In my work, I have a sense that we are all waking back up again, that increasing numbers are asking the right powerful questions. Now is the time to elevate and do important legacy work, not from a place of ego but from a place of safeguarding a future for us all. The feminine holds an important key to this change.

To be empowered is to be whole and not settle for less!

More recently, I’ve seen a growing trend of women who acknowledge that they don’t want the either or, they no longer want to compromise. They want a life that is complete and whole. They want business success and to be present for their children, they are focusing on wellbeing and a life of meaning. They want to give back, create a legacy and enjoy the ride. The most successful companies and leaders will understand and cultivate this.

There is a growing movement of advocacy & support:

The good news is that women are making positive gains day by day. There's a strong and growing global movement of advocacy and support that is paving the way for more balanced board-rooms, which will in turn have a positive impact on people, profit and planet.

What is certainly true - there has never been a more important time to focus on the issues that are getting in the way of authentic equality. Women need to feel supported, heard and valued, it’s that simple. Behind the scenes, increasing numbers of women are working on validating themselves, so they can show up from a place of true empowerment. This is also my journey and one I choose to step in every day.

Tackling change in an empowering way:

Through my work, it is possible to tackle issues in an empowering way. There is a need to challenge and have inclusive conversations with those who champion women and the feminine. The ideal is to create a shift in culture towards a instinctive, authentic feminine energy that is in balance with healthy masculine management traits, pulling together the yin and yang of leadership that exists within us all.

By responding to a growing demand for feminine focused leadership, we will see a positive impact upon wellbeing, culture and the bottom line.

Looking into the future, I see more opportunities to bring feminine coaching and support systems into businesses and work with both sexes to create greater collaboration, equality, harmony and innovation. 

What about you, what’s your vision for the future?

Creating a legacy:

My work is committed to nurturing a feminine form of leadership and wellbeing in today’s world. My purpose is to help women, businesses, communities and our planet to evolve. 

With the rise of employees and consumers making decisions based upon ethics, it is widely accepted that values and purpose are fundamental to the success of Business. My work is committed to helping businesses be ethical, transparent and nurturing in a manner that fuels the supportive growth of people, revenue and society as a whole.

Send me a message and let know your thoughts and vision…


Feminine leadership at the heart of business


What’s your truth?