What my reset day taught me about full presence: I realised how addicted I am to my phone, to the approvals of others. These are detours, a constant distraction away from what simply is a shinning glimmer of presence that lies inside, waiting to be felt. Ready to embrace you warmly.

Coming into full presence is challenging, we live in a world of distraction. I find it, I lose it again. Initially my mind was buzzing with questions, I relaxed, thanked it and smiled. That’s when my energy started to shift.

Full presence experiences are precious.

The feel of my arms as they cut through the water. The sounds of the birds as I entered the forest. I invited it all into my presence and felt moved by beauty, and the scale of life.

Being present allows me to take in the full forest as well as one single tree, I am part of the wider ecosystem of life. I’m suspended in time and lifted too.

We are here to live a life of purpose and sometimes that purpose is to simply be. To let the constant buzz of the world fall away and ask, what’s here now.

You can’t be in full presence if you’re constantly in motion. If you’re pushing away the negative, you’re probably also pushing away the positive. The key is to slow down and get present within it all, then you can explore what’s needed in this moment.

Throughout my day, I used one simple statement to bring me back to my centre. This was my anchor and a vital check-in.

Message me if you’d like to know more and I’ll send you a one minute full presence voice recording.


Busting the myths of empowerment


Full presence creates a win!