Busting the myths of empowerment

We are all programmed to want more and made to believe that we are not enough. This message filters through from many outlets and from a very young age.

We adapt ourselves accordingly, smiling when we are uncomfortable, saying yes when we mean no, perfecting when we need to act, playing small to make others feel good.

We seek something we don’t have, a form of perfection that isn’t sustainable.

This need provides a whipping stick that we use daily. We are so busy whipping ourselves, we don’t notice all of the beauty and wonder that is already present. We turn away from our gifts in search of something different, something tangible, something our socials will like.

I see how patriarchy has shaped us all and i shake my head.

I used to be that woman and sometimes I find myself falling backwards. The difference is now I know how to steady and recover my power and truth.

Gaining all the material objects I desired, the title, the lifestyle, the penthouse wasn’t it. It was in that moment that I started to cultivate what it was.

I discovered it was to feel - more connection, love that is expressive and joy so great words defy me. I also wanted to release the emotions I’d previously locked away. These goals remain today.

I am still ambitious, I have dreams and a vision that scares and excites me. But the one thing I won’t compromise is my mental health, when the viper inside me starts to rise, I take some time to reconsider what it is that I’m really seeking.

I’m aware that something new is happening, a new form of feminism that is committed to turning the dial towards a brighter, more empathetic future.

For me true empowerment is this, to be able to take care of myself and empower others to do the same. From this place, the title, the salary, our projects and purpose make sense.

I write with a message to remind you that you have so much power, beauty and wisdom inside you. To find it, take a journey back to your centre, to the core of your being, to the land of self-service, self belief and self worth.

When you’re truly in your centre you have nothing to prove because you understand you are one of value. The inner chatter falls away and you’re present in your body, your space and the moment.

We glide, we transcend, we speak. Difficult words fall from our lips without force.

Empowerment is a journey, our focus is to feel safe in our bodies, listen to our needs and use our voices. Let’s celebrate that!

I’d love to hear your views on the true meaning of empowerment for you? Send me a message and let’s share a conversation…


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