Working with vision has become both necessity and speciality for me. I’ve arrived at a place whereby if I can’t see or sense myself being/doing it, it isn’t resonating. If it isn’t resonating, then it isn’t happening. Grazia definitely hit the nail on the head when they named me ‘The Visualiser.’

What I’ve learned about vision:

I’ve been working with vision all my life. As a child they called me ‘a daydreamer,’ which was how I discovered the power of imagination.

When I worked in Communications, they called me ‘a creative.’ I could download a vision, and plan that aligned beautifully, and powerfully with objectives. Nobody taught me how to do this, it was instinctual.

I started visualising my goals as far back as 2006. My daughter, Catalina was a central focus in my visioning board for over a decade of my life. When I thought about becoming a Mum, I imagined a blossom tree in full bloom. One of the baby names on my list was Blossom, which shows you the power of this image for me.

In midlife, I’m conscious about my decisions. Are they in alignment with my vision? Do they feel good and connect to my dreams? Am I settling for less than I truly desire? Am I having a positive impact?

Say goodbye to Groundhog Day

The good news is there is a visionary roadmap for everyone.

The fastest way out of stuck-ness is to dream bigger, face what’s holding you back and elevate your vision.

In the coming weeks, I will be launching a new group coaching & healing programme for women that will create a roadmap for your life’s journey. You are hearing about this first, so get in touch if you would like to be inspired, empowered, energised, and elevated.

Get started with a vision board!

If you have already set your vision for this year or if you’re just thinking about it now, here are some of my tips to find flow.

  1. Review your life today and consider ways you can upscale and upgrade your life. Use dissatisfaction as a force of change. Be honest about the areas that no longer work for you. If the energy attached is yucky, it’s not in alignment with your higher self.

  2. When you begin the creative process of visioning, you always start with a blank canvas. Play some music, light a candle, create a space that is relaxing and uplifting.

  3. Take a sheet of paper and start to imagine what will bring you closer to your heart’s desire. Paint a picture in your mind’s eye of how life is going to unfold. Who is with you, what are you doing, what are you creating, what does joy look and feel like etc?

  4. Search for images that reflect the qualities you’re seeking more of. Reflect on key words/statements that have a positive, energetic frequency and build from there.

  5. Consider all your desires and needs. Shoot for the feelings, how do you feel when you look at the images you’ve highlighted? Aim for the highest energetic frequencies like love, joy, peace, equality.

  6. Slow the process down. Reject any images or words that do not evoke good feelings when you look at them. Stick down images and write words, and statements that feel good and will take you forward.

  7. Place your vision board somewhere central and reflect on it often.

  8. Visualise yourself stepping into the board and living your dreams. Keep asking what is needed now?

  9. Commit to taking any steps or follow any promptings that arise when you think about your vision.

Are you ready for a new vision?

If you would like to create a new vision for your life, you can also work with me in my holistic 1-2-1, ‘Empowered Women’ practice.

My work now includes a range of customised techniques, including:

  • Co-Active Coaching & Leadership.

  • Akashic Records readings, healings and path findings.

  • Spiritial alignment work that connects to your work, life and values.

  • Business guidance and direction

  • Therapeutic coaching, featuring EFT tapping.

  • Distant Reiki healing.




Your vision matters