I found my car keys in the fridge the other day and wondered if I was having a breakdown.

I'm sharing my story with the hope you will be inspired to listen to your own needs and take action.

I’m in the autumn phase of my life or as its more widely known perimenopause. It’s true that my body, focus and pace of life has changed dramatically. And yet I have never felt more at home in myself and valued by others.

I’m tired most days, yet there is a fire raging inside of me. This fire is one I don’t want to put out, it’s the fire of deep wisdom and purpose.

I’m deeply emotional and no longer scared to show it. My intuition guides me. I can sit in discomfort and also create from it. I follow my instincts and my ‘no’ is a full sentence.

Peri-menopause started for me when I was 35. My energy levels seemed to shift overnight. I felt tired, my head was full one moment and completely empty the next. Self-doubt raged within.

I felt more fragile. I wondered if I was depressed. I’d certainly experienced enough to warrant my feelings, yet something felt off. I wanted solutions and to fix myself, but something inside me told me to listen carefully.

When I thought about work, I felt a sense of panic. I’d already achieved so much, something felt complete inside me yet I wasn’t ready for retirement. Also, I found my car keys in the fridge the other day and wondered if I was having a breakdown.

The doctor said my eggs were in decline and if I wanted children, I should probably freeze them now. Tick Tok!

I listened to my needs for more spaciousness, I retrained to be a coach. I felt an overwhelming need to empower and serve, and I wanted space to do my own personal work.

That was 12 years ago now and the woman inside me is poised and holds her own wildness. I am able to own my journey and lifestage. I have taken ownership of my own body and I have wisdom to share.

My story is a reminder for women to listen to their body’s natural wisdom. That from 35, you are entering a new phase, one that will feel different. Seek clarity, remedies and solutions ahead of time, prepare yourself and know that you will find new ways to rise.

If you’re an employer, find ways to retain or regret losing her. You won’t find her coming to you with her challenges, so it’s vital to prepare and empower her ON PURPOSE.

If you’re reading this and wondering what THE next move is, get in touch and we can share a powerful conversation.


Full presence creates a win!


Say goodbye to Groundhog Day