Hopes & dreams

My own personal experience with dreaming goes back to my childhood, where I would lose myself in books and create imaginary places that allowed me to travel inwardly. Today, I consider myself to be a professional day-dreamer and this ability has stood me in good stead, as an adult. 

My ability to materialise my dreams suprised even me

I started creating vision boards in 2001 and allowed myself to dream the impossible. My dreams saw me working in LA, NYC and experiencing events like The Oscars and Fashion Weeks. I also saw a family of my own, which took much longer to materialise. What is now clear to me is this, dreams both big and small, evolve from small seeds and over time develop into shape, and form. If you dream often enough and believe in your vision, you will create wonder. How magical is this?

Living one of my old dreams with Eva Mendez when I was Head of PR for St. Tropez

The road to dreaming is not always smooth

This is all sounding rather easy right now isn’t it? Perhaps you are already sensing that there is more to this story? A few years ago, something happened to my ability to dream. A tsunami of personal, challenging events impacted my ability and desire to dream, my days became about survival and taking one-step in front of the other. The idea of dreaming became another pressure and my focus was needed inside of myself, it was time to retreat, feel and heal. The idea of transforming was terrifying.

I wondered if I had lost my ability to dream?

I went on a huge healing journey that took me to the depths of my inner world. I promised myself that I would committ to my own healing and I showed-up for myself every day.

Then, out of the blue, I had a profound dream. One that showed me my future and also saw the creation of a book written by spirtual teacher, Hillary Keeney now called The Pinacle Prayer Book. A new doorway was opening inside of me, my dreams began to return, I was awakening.

Saying yes to visualising my dreams

In 2020, I began a practice of my own called, “hopes and dreams for the year.”  This time I took a different approach because life has taught me to stay open to what is being given in this present moment. To be grounded in real time is essential to my body, mind and soul.

2020 was a landmark year for my business and I’m convinced that dreaming, observing the impact of my dreams and responding from a place of self-belief are vital ingredients.

I want you to know that…

Pain, trauma, unwanted change, limiting beliefs can result in us choosing to stay in the same place and minimise our dreams. This is part of our inner survival system and sometimes, putting one step in front of the other is enough.

It takes time to recover and you can’t push the river. We need to heal before we can fully transform or else we are still operating from an old sense of self. Time away from your dreams is actually a very important step because your attention is required to let go of the past. 

Are you ready to cast your net back out to sea?

Healing and letting go is part of the dream cycle, from there we rise

While it’s important to take time to slow down, recover and allow yourself to feel your feelings, it’s also important to remember to rise again. Without taking a conscious decision to dream again, you will be pulled down into SOS mode – are you ready to cast your net back out to sea?   

Do you want to go on a new dream scoping mission that will allow you to open to life and support your wellbeing? I am here for you and would love to be your guide, so get in touch and let’s open a new chapter.

My mission is to make a difference to the lives of women, girls and those aligned with the feminine, in a way that supports us all to evolve. I believe that dreaming is a crucial part of our future story. I’d love to hear your views.


Paving the way for equality


An ode to all the mothers