Watch out for your whipping stick

It’s been a very busy period, work is flourishing and I’m truly excited about what is happening. I’ve also found myself slipping into some old habits. My current challenge is to take time to enjoy the ride and also self-care in a way that feels really beneficial, and honouring.

Keep an eye on your whipping stick

My time in Brand Communications taught me many amazing skills, I also learned how to disconnect from my own needs in service of getting things done. If you’ve ever avoided going to the toilet or skipped meals because you are too busy, you know what I’m talking about.

When we only focus on the output, our focus is on what we do (the results.) By shifting our focus to include (what is happening insider) the input, we are able to find a different sense of purpose

A bulging to-do list with the added pressure of making everything exceptional; is a heavy load when it’s a daily load.

The good news is that now I can see that old whipping stick moving towards me and I can choose to say, ‘not now, not today.’ Now, I can tune into my immediate needs and create a step-change that feels good inside me.

Awareness is key

When I first started doing self development work 20 years ago, my teachers would say that the first step out of your self-limiting box was awareness. I found this really frustrating because I didn’t want to be aware. I wanted to be out the other side, skipping wholeheartedly in a grassy meaddow and enjoying life.

Today, I know the wisdom in their words and I’m embracing the journey of change within me.

Rather than lose myself on a hamster wheel, I’m choosing to say yes to the projects that fill my heart up and I’m creating strong boundaries within myself.

Yes and no is a feeling that lives inside my body, when I feel into this, I am guided beyond measure. If I’m not sure about something, I take it as a ‘not right now.’

Embracing change

For me, making a change can be a series of relatively small steps or a giant leap, either way I am the designer of my own life and I can always realign.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve said yes to the following changes and the ripple affect has been huge:

- Attend one yoga class every week.

- Have lunch away from the house during working hours once per week.

- Do one thing that is just for me, that I enjoy.

- Get support with the school run on days when I need more time.

- Take a self-care day when I feel overwhelmed.

- Get out of my chair and make a cup of tea when I feel stuck.

If you need some support with your daily routines, you can get a copy of my free Good Energy Guide by signing up to my fortnightly newsletters through the link on my website.


Your vision matters


Feminine leadership at the heart of business